Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mets ornament of the day: Santa needs to get his treadmill fixed

This has been a year of challenges, and among the latest is that the family treadmill is broken.

This frustrating because it is not all that old, and it's been a staple of my effort to first lose weight and then to keep it off.

The replacement part costs nearly as much as a new machine, so I dragged my wife and daughter to four sporting goods stores one night this week.

This, after checking all the local YMCAs and other fitness places to see about a short-term membership so I could keep running until the thing is fixed or replaced. I'll save you a trip. They only want year-long commitments. No, they are not moved by broken treadmill sob stories.

If it sounds like the treadmill is an obsession, well, you are correct.

The reason is that I don't ever want to look like the guy in this ornament again – and I don't mean the white beard or ugly shorts.

OK, I was never in the Santa zone, but I was too big and it's a place I don't ever want to go back to.

Now, our dangling and reclining Santa has other issues. What's with the jersey? We all wear our Mets jerseys proudly, even those of us never to be mistaken for a player. But the lettering is way too low. Even the chubbiest of Mets fans would not call attention to the Mo Vaughn-esque belly by stretching the team name over it.

Santa's cap is pretty cool, though.

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