Thursday, November 03, 2016

Campaign collectibles from a calmer time: The president known simply as 'W'

We've had presidents known by three initials -- JFK, LBJ and FDR -- and some known two initials -- like TR -- but I can think of just one know by one letter -- W, pronounced "dub-ya."
Today's campaign collectibles from a calmer time brings us back to George W. Bush, who was the subject of some very cool things!
I've had the opportunity to see President Bush twice as a candidate in 2000, twice during the 2004 campaign, a number of times arriving at the airport and at least twice as a former president.
I've picked up some neat collectibles along the way. Aside from the "Battling Bush" we discussed last week, I've got a cool talking, moving figure.
It's got two buttons. Press one and you get an inspirational quote. The other, marked "funny," gives you one of the president's occasional verbal missteps.
The campaign pins are among my favorite of the modern era. They're just nice photos.

The signature is from the president's book "Decision Points." He appeared at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, and signed some copies of the book that were available after his discussion.

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