Now that 2008 is here, there are things I need to do and things I need to keep doing.
I was going to include "Finally forgive Tom Glavine for 7 runs in 1/3 of an inning in his most important start of the year," but I decided I should have resolutions I have even some chance of keeping.
Let's get these out in the open and you, gentle reader, can hold me to them throughout the year.
Resolution 1: To get to Shea Stadium in its final year. There’s no way I can let such a large part of my baseball heritage slip into history without passing through one last time. From my first game in 1971 to the emotional afternoon when Tom Seaver stood on the mound and bowed as No. 41 was forever retired, Shea has been a special place for me.Resolution 2: To be nicer to people I don’t necessarily like. If God loves me and all my faults, then he loves them, too. And if he loves them, so should I.
Resolution 3: To stop assuming that Mets reliever Scott Schoenweis is going to give up four runs every time he enters the game. That’s just not fair to Scott. Sometimes he’s only going to give up three runs.
Resolution 4: To speak less and listen more.
Resolution 5: To not hate the Yankees so overtly.

Well, except for Derek F. Jeter. But that goes without saying.
And the Bat-Chucker, because George Mitchell says that’s completely justified.
And the confessed cheater Andy Pettitte.
And Jason Giambi, of course.
And WussRod for all the crap he pulled this fall.
And the traitor Damon, just on principle.
Resolution 6: To drink less Diet Coke and more water.
Resolution 7: To keep losing weight. December put me in kind of a holding pattern. But we’re going to be back on the reduction trail. I’m about halfway to my Big Audacious Goal.
Resolution 8: And keeping with the exercise that has helped with the goal, I want to run in at least three 5-K races this year, and even break 30 min. That’s not a fast time for most people. It's not a fast time for a slug headed uphill. I know that. But we must start somewhere. And it would be a three minute drop from my best time in years.
Resolution 9: To see the Mets win at least one game in person. My track record isn’t good. OK, I haven’t seen them win since 1991. But that shameful streak has to come to an end this year, even if it means venturing to Milwaukee or Cincinnati! Mandy will know how to get us there!

Resolution 10: To be only semi-obnoxious about the University of Missouri’s glorious football season. Like with the Mets, I’m a fish out water here in Michigan.
I’m bombarded by co-workers and their love for Michigan State and the University of Michigan. But their seasons went right in the Dumpster while Mizzou, unfairly denied its shot at the national title, dropped a beating on Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl. MIZ-ZOU!
This also is the 100th year of the Journalism School, and like all good alumni it would be nice to get back to Columbia this year to show the kids the old stomping grounds and hold high a slice from glorious Shakespeare’s Pizza!
Happy new year, everyone!
Strong resolutions there buddy. Rickey digs.
All you had to do was ask...
Happy New Year!!
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